Monday, May 23, 2011


Googles new Chromebook runs purely on the Internet. This might sound bad, but it's actually a break-through invention. It stores all it's information on the Internet, so incase it breaks, it's all stored on the Internet. Another problem you might think there would be is that, if it's all stored on the internet, what happens if you don't have Internet access? Well, google already thought of that, so what they did is they take telephone poles and transmit phone lines and turn it into wifi. The Chromebook also stores all of it's info on the internet. Imagine, no more slow computers, no more virus protection, no more viruses in general, wouldn't that be great! You might think that "oh, all of this would cost a fortune" ,well you'd be wrong. You can even rent the Chromebook for about $30 a month!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Apple is one of the greatest technology companies ever created. They have made everything from flashdrives to extra small laptops to phones. It's impossible to guess what Apple will make next. But they're latest hit is a phone called the IPhone. I'm guessing you've heard of it before because it's one of the greatest phones ever created.

The iPhone can do virtually everything. The possibilities are endless. Believe it or not I'm typing this blog on it right now, while listening to favorite song, and getting notifications if someone sent me a message, posted on my wall, requested my friendship, or if they tagged me in a photo. That my friends is what Apple calls multitasking. And I'm doing this all at once, on a small, compact, pocket-sized phone.

That must sound good, that you could do that all at once, on something that fits in your pocket, but that's just the beginning. They have these things called apps, which is short-form for applications. These "apps" come in all different shapes and sizes. There are endless amounts of apps. These apps can do anything from play music, go on Facebook (absolute necessity for teenagers), get the newspaper, gps, compass, heart rate monitor, level, and you can even check your stocks or the weather! What else can you ask for from a phone? These are just a few of the millions, billions, even trillions of apps. All of this in the palm of your hand.

There are even apps that, if you here a song, and like the song, you can record and it will recognize the song, give you the name, artist, year published, genre, and then give you the option to buy the song. Then after you buy the song you can click on a few buttons and it will give you a list of songs that are like the song you bought. How does Apple do it?

For more info on the different apps, go to

For the different features of the the iPhone, go to

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Literature Poems

"Growing Up"


Trusting, kind, scared

Who loves his family

Who feels unsure about his brothers actions

Who needs to feel liked

Who shares his friendship with others

Who fears being laughed at

Who'd like to see his brother change

Who dreams of being normal

Who ends up seeing his brother in a new way

"The Bombing of the Church"


Hateful, unpredictable

Killing, hurting, destroying

Unnecessary, delibrate, loving, expected

Living, helping, creating

Lovable, predictable



Thursday, February 10, 2011

Toothpick fish

The first through the third generation, there were very few fatalities. After the factory waste diaster, there was a great decrease in fish. All of the green fish were eaten because the camoflauge was destroyed. This was the major cause of the population drop.

The experiment "toothpick fish" was a great experiment that showed how adaptation can either save or kill off a certain type of species. The chemical waste dump that killed all of the algae had a huge impact on the population of green fish. The number of green fish dropped dramatically. This was from the reduction of algae, which was a camoflauge for the green fish. This made all of the green fish be spotted and then eaten by predators. The yellow fish were already gone, but their genes were still recessive in the others. The remaining red and blue fish were able to survive and reproduce.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What killed The Greatest Popstar the world ever knew?

We all know the King of Pop,

We all know that he died of a Heart Attack on 6/25/09. We all the know that Michael Jackson was addicted to pain killers. What you probably don't know is that he died from a drug called propofol, given to him by his docter, Conrad Murray. You probably don't know that Dr. Conrad Murray is being charged with Involuntary Manslaughter. Is he the reason Michael Jackson is now dead or is propofol the reason?

Authorities have suggested that Dr. Conrad gave Michael "propofol" after a long term addiction to pain killers. Is this the reason the King of Pop is dead?

Propofol, commonly known as Diprivan, is a drug that reduces anxiety and tension. It is used for relaxation and sleep. This drug is injected into a vein and is often used as an anesthesia. An anesthesia is a powful narcotic that knocks you out during surgery. How could any doctor believe that this was a safe way to help Michael Jackson "relax"? The side effects include difficulty breathing, seizures and muscle spasms. Combined with his addiction to pain killers, did it become deadly?

So, Michael Jackson died: Cardiac Arrest? Propofol? Overdose? Docter's neglience? He left three little kids behind. This is "dead" proof that drugs are never worthwhile.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2012, truth or false

The Mayan calendar is said to say the world will end at 2012. Many people believe that the world will end on December 21st, 2012. This is a topic that is widely spreaded all through out the internet. Many people think it will happen and many people don't. The world could end at 2012, or it couldn't. I can't tell you what to think, but i can give you the facts.

The Mayan calender was created about 4000 years ago. This calender was very acurate in saying what day it was. This calender recorded different cycles of time by using the movements of the planets and the sun. This calender ends at December 21st, 2012.

Yellowstone National Park is located in Wyoming. It is a highly populated tourist attraction that is located above a volcano. This is not just your plain, old volcano, this is a super volcano. It is bigger than any volcano on Earth! This super volcano is supposedly 1,500 square miles big! The last time it erupted was about 640,00 years ago. If Yellowstone erupted today, it would easily kill millions of people and would be the equivalent of 200 atom bombs going off! Everyone within a thousand mile radius would have to evacuate their own homes. This supposedly is going to erupt December 21st, 2012.

You might think that the world won't end at 2012 but the facts are, there is a big possibility.

This is a picture of the Mayan calender

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ecology in Tangerine

Muck fires are fires that burn underground. They are started by decomposing vegetation spontaneously combusting or when the dried vegetation is struck by lightening. These fires can burn for weeks and are hard to extnguish. When burning underground, they create a horrible odor that lasts for weeks. (

In Tangerine, Mr Costello, Paul's Dad is asked to replace the Director of Civil Engineering, when the current Director was removed for never caring about his job. Mr. Costello inherited alot of problems, including the muck fire. In order to end the fire, he hired a contractor to dig wells around the fire. The wells would pump water and hopefully, put the fire out. The solution did not work.
What happened was the water created a swamp around the fire, which created a breeeding ground for mosquitoes. To destroy the mosquitoes, the area had to be sprayed with an insecticide, which could be harmful to animals and people.

Mosquitoes found their niche in the swamp area. A niche is a habitat which supplies the factors necessary for an organism to survive ( Mosquitoes need water, shade and high levels of moisture to survive. They also need standing water to reproduce. A swamp is a perfect place for mosquitoes to breed.
The problem with mosquitoes is that they carry disease. They carry the parasites in their bodies and pass them to people or animals. The parasites that mosquitoes carry include those that cause malaria, yellow fever and Africian Sleeping Sickness. These are deadly diseases.
Because mosquitoes may carry parasites that cause disease, Mr. Costello made the right decision to have someone spray to eliminate the problem. But, the best way to eliminate the problem would be for the swamp to dry up, to eliminate the breeding area.

But, then the muck fire still burns....