Sunday, January 24, 2010

Math blog

Global warming has alot to do with math because global warming is the increase or decrease of temperature. From 1906 through 2009, there was a 1.3 degree F. increase in temperature throughout the world. Because of pollution, the temperature is rising at a more rapid rate. The more the population of the world pollutews, the quicker the temperature will increase over time. Global warming can even be caused by humans, because as we breathe, we ehale carbon monoxide. That doesn't mean that breathing will increase global warming at an alaming rate, though is important to think about. I'm not suggesting that we all stop breathing, just that we are aware of how easy it is to increase global warming. To reduce global warming, we should increase planting trees, because tree realease oxygen and take in carbon monoxide. ANother way to decrease global warming is to invest in solar panels. Solar panels take in sunlight and produce electricty, naturally. Solar panels are a bit expensive, but they will pay for themselves over time. My Dad has solar panels, and his electriv bill was decreased to $2.00 per month, all by using natural energy. Additonally, the government will pay apprixmately 50% of the solar panels and installation, and send the owner of this system a rebate to decrease the overall cost. If your family buys solart panels, let me personally thank you for reducing your carbone footprint. A carbon footprint is how much carbon monoxide you or your family may release into the environment during its life time. Reduscing carbon monoxide reduces global warming!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why use steroids?

Why are all these baseball players on steroids? They're illegal! How can a drug make a baseball player better!? It's a drug, not some magic pill that will make you magically stronger! Or is it?

Anabolic steroids are a version of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Like testosterone, anabolic steroids increase muscle mass by stimulating cells to produce new protein. Normally, without steroids, you can only workout once every few days because when you workout, you push your muscles more than the max amount of weight you can lift. Doing that causes your muscle tissues to rip and grow back bigger so you can lift more. When your tissues rip, your body requires a few days rest or your muscles will hurt. With steroids you can work out every day. Steroids also help you work out by giving you the ability to train longer. Taking steroids can cause high blood pressure, mood swings, heart damage, acne and even baldness. Professional athletes are prohibited from taking anabolic steroids, yet they still do. Even if you take anabolic steroids, you don't become a better athlete, you become a cheater.

Here are a list of baseball players that have used steroids:

Click picture to go to website.

(When you get to the website just scroll up because it will be scrolled down a bit.)

Monday, January 11, 2010

a patch that can replace a shot

Researchers have recently come up with a patch that can replace a painful shot. This new patch is like a band aid with microscopic needles inside. These needles are about 200 microns long and only a few strands of hair wide. This patch is painless and can be applied easily. This patch can be picked up at a pharmacy.

What to do and not to do to prevent you from getting H1N1

There are several things to do and not to do when trying to avoid H1N1, AKA the Swine Flu. What not to do is to stock up on antiviral drugs that you don't need because if you do and you don't need it then you are making it that much harder for people who do need it to get it. Do people a favor and buy only whats needed. One way to help prevent H1N1 is to wash your hands because washing your hands kills germs and that might prevent you from getting the swine flu if the swine flu germ is on your hands. In addition to washing your hands, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. If you are thinking about getting the nose spray version of the swine flu vaccination, think twice! To get this, you have to be fully healthy and you have to be aware that you are getting a weakened version of the swine flu. People that get the shot, receive a dead version of the swine flu.

Some of the symptoms of H1N1 are: having a fever, stuffy nose, aches, and chills. If you have any of these symptoms, DON'T COME TO SCHOOL. Go see a Doctor and feel better.

5 States of Matter

In my Science class we only learned about 4 states of matter. I recently discovered that in 1995 someone discovered a fifth! The fifth state of mater is called Bose-Einstein condensate. They called it this because in the 1920's Albert Einstein and Satyendra Bose predicted a new state of matter. This state of matter is the exact opposite of plasma. Plasma is an over-active state of matter and Bose-Einstein condensate is an under-active state. Bose-Einstein condensate is only a three billionths of a degree higher than absolute zero. In case you are wondering what absolute zero is, it is the temperature at which all molecular movement stops. You will not see this often in someones house. This is an extremely dangerous state of matter if you compress it under a lot of pressure. It will make a black hole!