Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why use steroids?

Why are all these baseball players on steroids? They're illegal! How can a drug make a baseball player better!? It's a drug, not some magic pill that will make you magically stronger! Or is it?

Anabolic steroids are a version of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Like testosterone, anabolic steroids increase muscle mass by stimulating cells to produce new protein. Normally, without steroids, you can only workout once every few days because when you workout, you push your muscles more than the max amount of weight you can lift. Doing that causes your muscle tissues to rip and grow back bigger so you can lift more. When your tissues rip, your body requires a few days rest or your muscles will hurt. With steroids you can work out every day. Steroids also help you work out by giving you the ability to train longer. Taking steroids can cause high blood pressure, mood swings, heart damage, acne and even baldness. Professional athletes are prohibited from taking anabolic steroids, yet they still do. Even if you take anabolic steroids, you don't become a better athlete, you become a cheater.

Here are a list of baseball players that have used steroids:

Click picture to go to website.

(When you get to the website just scroll up because it will be scrolled down a bit.)

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