Sunday, January 24, 2010

Math blog

Global warming has alot to do with math because global warming is the increase or decrease of temperature. From 1906 through 2009, there was a 1.3 degree F. increase in temperature throughout the world. Because of pollution, the temperature is rising at a more rapid rate. The more the population of the world pollutews, the quicker the temperature will increase over time. Global warming can even be caused by humans, because as we breathe, we ehale carbon monoxide. That doesn't mean that breathing will increase global warming at an alaming rate, though is important to think about. I'm not suggesting that we all stop breathing, just that we are aware of how easy it is to increase global warming. To reduce global warming, we should increase planting trees, because tree realease oxygen and take in carbon monoxide. ANother way to decrease global warming is to invest in solar panels. Solar panels take in sunlight and produce electricty, naturally. Solar panels are a bit expensive, but they will pay for themselves over time. My Dad has solar panels, and his electriv bill was decreased to $2.00 per month, all by using natural energy. Additonally, the government will pay apprixmately 50% of the solar panels and installation, and send the owner of this system a rebate to decrease the overall cost. If your family buys solart panels, let me personally thank you for reducing your carbone footprint. A carbon footprint is how much carbon monoxide you or your family may release into the environment during its life time. Reduscing carbon monoxide reduces global warming!

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